Annual wellness exams should be a part of every woman’s wellness journey, and they include a pap smear. With exceptional care from Premier Women’s Health providers, women in Mansfield can get a pap smear from a trusted professional in a welcoming environment.
Our providers dedicate themselves to the highest quality of gynecological care so we can improve the health and well-being of each patient. From annual exams to advanced treatment, we ensure your comfort during every appointment.
Pap Smear in Mansfield
Exam length
The exam in total can last between 10 and 20 minutes, but the actual pap smear takes just a few minutes.
Exam frequency
Exams are done annually. However, the frequency of the pap smear test for cervical or vaginal cancer is done depending upon risk factors.
Exam eligibility
Women 21 and older
Benefits of Pap Smears with Premier Women's Health
Yearly exams with pap smear screening will help you maintain your intimate health and safety.
Pap smears at PWH are an effective tool to diagnosing any abnormalities. Your provider will thoroughly discuss your exam results with you and come up with a course of action that is right for you. Should you have an abnormal pap smear screening test, you may need to return for further testing by colposcopy. This is where Dr. Kollar can look closer at the cervix, vagina, and vulva with a microscope and possibly take a biopsy for diagnosis.
Our gynecologists are dedicated to providing the best quality of intimate care so you can be comfortable before, during, and after your pap smear.
The Pap Smear Process
What You Can Expect
A pap smear most often happens during your annual well woman exam along with a breast and pelvic exam. The pelvic exam involves inspecting the vagina and cervix, while the pap smear is the collection of a small tissue sample from the cervix with a soft broom for further examination in a lab.
Discussing Your Results
Your provider will explain and discuss the results of your pap smear. It's important to us at Premier Women's Health that you understand your results and feel empowered to make decisions about your care.
Next Steps
Based on your pap smear results, your provider will answer any questions you have and help you set up your care plan. This includes your next wellness exam, pap smear, and any other appointments as necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a pap smear?
Yes. The pap smear is done on a regular basis to maintain your intimate health and screen for any pre-cancerous or cancerous tissue.
What happens if my pap smear results are abnormal?
Abnormal Pap results don’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. It just means that some of your cervical cells looked different than normal. Your results could indicate the presence of one of four types of cells:
1. Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS): These cells may be normal with inflammation or the result of a virus such as HPV.
2. Squamous intraepithelial lesion: There are various types depending upon the depth of the cervical skin impacted.
3. Atypical glandular cells: These cells may or may not be cancerous and require further testing.
4. Adenocarcinoma or squamous cell cancer: These are cancer cells.
An abnormal Pap result usually warrants further testing. Your provider may use a colposcopy to examine your tissue more closely and collect tissue for biopsy.
What is a colposcopy?
Colposcopy is a procedure using a colposcope—a microscope that we use to perform cervical screenings—to examine the tissues of the vulva, vagina, and cervix. The colposcope magnifies and lights the tissues so your provider can identify any areas of concern for possible biopsy.

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